WAEC discourages direct communication with school candidates. School candidates are expected to send their complaints to WAEC through their school principals, while private candidates contact WAEC directly.

To cater for the needs of candidates and propective candidates alike, WAEC has created the following channels for candidate interaction;

  1. WAEC Konnect is a mini social media platform for recent WAEC candidates. Log on to https://waeckonnect.com
  2. For up-to-date practise questions visit our elearning platform here; http://e-learning.waecnigeria.com


No. Accreditation is carried out by the Federal Ministry of Education alone.

Candidates are required to enter and sit for a minimum of eight (8) and a maximum of nine (9) subjects. These must include the following :

  • English Language
  • Mathematics
  • At least one Nigerian Language (see footnote)
  • At least one of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • At least one of Literature-in-English, History and Geography.
  • Agricultural Science or at least one vocational subject.

These are the core subjects. In addition to the above, every student must offer any three of the underlisted subjects not already offered as core subjects: Biology, Economics, Physics, Book-Keeping, Chemistry, Typewriting, Further Mathematics, Shorthand, Commerce, History, Geography, Literature-in-English, Agricultural Science, Woodwork, Health Science, Auto-Mechanics, Building Construction, Music, Clothing and Textiles, Art, Christian Religious Knowledge, French, Islamic Studies, Physical Education, Arabic Studies, Government, Metal Work, Applied Electricity, Electronics, Foods and Nutrition, Technical Drawing Home Management.

NOTE: The Federal Ministry of Education has given a waiver in respect of Nigerian Languages during the 2003 examination. This implies that candidates' entries are valid with or without a Nigerian language for the period of the waiver.

No. The marking of scripts is handled by examiners appointed by WAEC. They are usually educationists who are familiar with the classroom situation and their identities are not supposed to be disclosed.

Candidates can collect their certificates from WAEC Zonal and Branch offices in charge of the state where they sat for the examination.

Yes. Reports about functionaries who are teachers are made to the various State Ministries of Education and All Nigerian Conference of Principals of Secondary Schools (ANCOPSS) for disciplinary measures. Such functionaries have been disciplined in the past. WAEC has its own procedures for disciplining erring inspectors.

WAEC certificates have no expiry date.